Falls Prevention Summit 2017: Reducing Inpatient Falls & Harm from Inpatient Falls
SensorCare will be exhibiting at the Falls Prevention Summit 2017!
Reducing Inpatient Falls & Harm from Inpatient Falls
Friday 7 July 2017
De Vere West One Conference Centre, London
“Inpatient falls are common and remain a great challenge for the NHS. Falls in hospital are the most commonly reported patient safety incidents, with more than 240,000 reported in acute hospitals and mental health trusts in England and Wales every year (that is over 600 a day).
All falls, even those that do not result in injury, can cause older patients and their family to feel anxious and distressed. For those who are frail, minor injuries from a fall can affect their physical function, resulting in reduced mobility, and undermining their confidence and independence. Some falls in hospital result in serious injuries, such as hip fracture (more than 3,000 per year) and serious head injuries, and these injuries can result in death.
Falls in hospitals are financially expensive, as they increase the length of stay and may require increased care costs upon discharge. In 2007, inpatient falls were thought to cost trusts alone £15 million, and will be more expensive now…Tackling the problem of inpatient falls is challenging. There are no single or easily defined interventions which, when done on their own, are shown to reduce falls. However, research has shown that multiple interventions performed by the multidisciplinary team and tailored to the individual patient can reduce falls by 20–30%.” – National Audit of Inpatient Falls Audit Report
This national falls summit focuses on reducing inpatient falls, and harm from inpatient falls. Through national updates, practical case studies and learning from the national audit of inpatient falls, round 2 of which is due to be published in 2017, the conference will provide a step by step guide to implementing the multiple interventions that have been proven to reduce falls in your service.
Key learning outcomes
- Understand the national context and current evidence on inpatient falls
- Learn from the National Audit of Inpatient Falls – and understand the changes in the 2017 Round 2 Audit
- Demonstrate monitoring and improvement against the NICE national quality standard
- Improve care for patients by reducing inpatient falls, and harm from inpatient falls in your service
- Learn from trusts who have developed multifaceted inpatient falls prevention programmes that work
- Understand the root causes of inpatient falls, and how to investigate an inpatient fall
- Use tools and measures to monitor falls improvement
- Hear from specialist experts on falls in bathrooms, falls and mental health and falls and medicines management
- Network with fellow falls prevention colleagues
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